The LD8-150 Pellet Die is a multi-spindle gun drilling machine from Mollart’s line of deep hole drilling machines that provides accurately drilled holes for pellet dies up to 1550mm in diameter.
The LD8-150 is an eight spindle deep hole drilling machine for designed for accurately drilling thousands of holes in to pellet dies. The drilling spindles are arranged radially around the work spindle to provide simultaneous drilling on all sides of the die for maximum efficiency. The machine can be outfitted with various workholding options for securing the pellet dies for drilling, providing the ability to thousands of holes in a single setup. The machine is fully enclosed to keep oil mist and coolant contained and promote environmental health & safety. Check out this video of an eight spindle pellet die in action by clicking here.
The LD8-150 can drill holes up to 10mm in diameter with an option to drill up to 25mm holes. Each drill spindle has up to 150mm of stroke. The work spindle is designed to provide +/- 6 arc seconds of accuracy to ensure the tolerances for your die are met.
Each Pellet Die machine is built to your unique application, providing full customization including options for coolant filtration and chip removal. The deep hole drilling spindles are driven by powerful spindle motors through a belt drive arrangement. A Fanuc Powermotion control with a gun drilling human machine interface is provided to allow for quick and easy programming. The machine also includes software for broken drill detection and the ability to reconfigure the drilling cycle to omit broken tools and continue the cycle with the remaining spindles. This allows for lights out production, ensuring that even during long cycle times that the machine stays productive.
Service and support for all Mollart machines is now provided by Bourn & Koch’s expert team. To learn more about how we can help keep your machine running click here.